Join Lions Council

from $10.00

Any parent, guardian, or adult standing in loco parentis of a SJCA scholar may join the Lions Council. As a member, you hold voting privileges at the bi-annual member meetings in April and October. For those seeking to serve in leadership positions, members are eligible to chair one of our 6 standing committees or to serve on the Executive Committee. If you want to be involved in SJCA, a Lions Council membership allows you to be involved as much or as little as your busy life allows! 

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Any parent, guardian, or adult standing in loco parentis of a SJCA scholar may join the Lions Council. As a member, you hold voting privileges at the bi-annual member meetings in April and October. For those seeking to serve in leadership positions, members are eligible to chair one of our 6 standing committees or to serve on the Executive Committee. If you want to be involved in SJCA, a Lions Council membership allows you to be involved as much or as little as your busy life allows!